Global Variables

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

forum iklan

You can use the following HTML code to create a form within your HTML document. Note that this also includes table code for formatting purposes.

You can also check out the HTML Forms page of the HTML Tutorial.
Example HTML Form Code:

First name:

Preferred City:


This results in:
First name:
Lunch: Pasta Rissotto
Drinks: Beer Wine
Preferred City:


The form tags contain other tags nested within them. These other tags define the actual form elements that appear within the form.

You can use the following template as a basis for your HTML form codes. Simply fill in the blanks or remove uneeded attributes.

Since HTML form code is made up of several tags, each tag is presented separately here.
1. The Tag

For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML form tag specifications.

(the individual form element tags go here - see below)

2. The Tag

This tag defines input fields within the form.

For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML input tag specifications.

3. The

(option tags go here for each item you need in your list)


For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML option tag specifications.

5. The

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